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Nikki offers in-person spiritual and magickal services in her office in Canton, CT. Due to her recurring evening and weekend teaching responsibilities, individual appointments are available only on weekdays starting at 10:00 am and ending by 3:00 pm. For questions or to schedule, email Nikki at

Psychic REadings

Tarot, runes, ogham, channeling or a mixture of methods may be used in Nikki's personalized reading sessions. Pricing is $30 for 30 minutes, $60 for sixty minutes.

Spell Work

Nikki will occasionally be willing to execute a formalized ritual spell working on behalf of clients if the purpose and energy feels aligned with Nikki and her spirits. Pricing is $95, which includes the planning, execution of a formally cast spell and the materia used.

Spiritual Consultations

General consultation time can be booked for asking advice, questions and direction regarding personal magickal and spiritual matters. Pricing for this is $30 per thirty minutes spent.

Shamanic Reiki

Nikki's energy healing sessions combine a mixture of techniques in which she is trained including Reiki, shamanic and dream methods, magickal approaches, aromatherapy, sound healing and more. Generally 50 minutes is spent on the table with time allotted before and after for necessary setup and debriefing. Pricing is $85 and the total time is about 90 minutes.

House Cleansing

Nikki is occasionally available for energetic house cleansing sessions if the home is within thirty minutes of Canton, CT. Pricing for this is $85, but additional fees may apply if the home is greater than 4,000 square feet or further driving time is required.

Personal Instruction

Private magickal teaching sessions on a wide variety of magickal topics can be arranged during appointment hours at the pricing rate of $30 per thirty minutes spent. For group instruction in the Society of Witchcraft and Old Magick, please inquire by email regarding information sessions and timing of the next upcoming training group.

Location and Payment
Nikki Can Currently accept cash, Check, paypal or venmo payments for services rendered. Sessions take place in her home office, which does offer its own entrance, waiting area, and restroom which are separate from other living areas.

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